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Xbox Guild Spotlight: Relax It's Just A Game

Автор: Andy (StrumSlinger) | Пт 02 дек 2016 08:00:00

What's the story behind how your guild was founded?

Funny story XX BMW M3 XX999 is the guild founder and the story is what you would think: BMW would group with players who only care about themselves and nothing more and he would get kicked for not knowing something or doing the wrong things. Not just him, but people got kicked all the time back then.

So BMW would try and meet new players on the same level as him and he did and we would help him form a new guild. There was around six of us at the time. But trying to find a name would be the fun part and take time, it was about the third day in and we could not come up with anything good so we did some questing and BMW had a confrontation with someone in the Xbox live party who was saying we are bad at the game (other words were used) then he told him in a calm and collective tune, Relax It's Just A Game... And thus we were born. Funny thing, a few months the same player was trying to join the guild funny party chat that was. Let’s just say there are not with us. And that is why we are about second chances


What's the message you want conveyed about your guild?

What can I say about Relax. We made a community, we help everyone, and anyone who needs it no matter the cost. We are a family, and just like families we stick together. We are equal and we stand as one. We try and talk to everyone, but sometimes it's hard but we do the best we can with the tools we have. We are all about second chances, we don't care About the past. We care about what we can do as a GUILD FAMILY. There are some players who do not have a lot in real life and in game, so we try to do what we can to help them. Be it party chat or just all running all day with them, if we can help, we will try...


If your guild had a superpower, what would it be?

I would say Unlimited Ad to help all the players in the Alliance but where is the fun in that, Right? But It would be fantastic to know about all the updates and have an input in the game before anyone. What's that about the flying mounts "who said that" And It would be great if we could use the AD in the Guild Coffer to help with Guild upgrades. We have 50M AD just sleeping in that coffer not moving. Just saying.


Any favorite hang-out spots?

I'm not going to say any names but they are a few of the "Elegant players" who like to spend their time at Moonstone Mask. We know why "Don't we" But the rest of us "Normal folk" like to spend the time with the Alliance in and around all the strongholds helping players to level, Dragons and Doing Heroic Encounters with the players to help all the Alliance Coffers.


If your guild was surrounded by a horde of zombies from the Dread Ring, what would you do?

I would call George A. Romero and start packing up the guild and move us to the ice cold Bryn Shander and make a film

And call it Night of the Living zomsicles. Or we would run crying to Sergeant Knox. Now I feel a need to quote, "The day the Guild declared in one voice: "We will not go quietly into the night!" We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive!" I know it's from a film, but come on it works for this ;)


What's one of the best guild events you've done?

I would say the time we killed all 4 Dragons at the Stronghold it was a blast. I think it was the first time the guild came together as one, we tried for weeks and weeks then we did it with a few seconds to go. And just as it was about to be all over for the hundredth time we did it! Ever Xbox live party was going crazy and then Dragonflight Unlocked for Everyone, best day yet... But there are a lot of events we love to do as a guild. We now do Alliance Events, and they are fun...


If your guild was an animal, what would it be?

Easy, Honey Badger. What more can I say about the guild we never stand down we never run from anything we are a pack and just like the real Honey Badgers that live together, we are a clan who stand together no matter the cost. That and the Honey Badger companion is a beast... (And I want one as a pet)


What do you like most about Storm King's Thunder?

We love the new challenge, the guild is making groups just to hit the new areas. The old feel of Icewind Dale is great and the new Heroic Encounters are insane. But I feel the whole community would back me when I say that it would be cool if there is other ways to get Lanolin, wink wink ;)

Who can players contact if they want either more information or want to join the guild?

You can contact me @Chaos Mythology or @N0maspantalones to join Relax and if we don't have the room You guys can join the Alliance and they are all just like Relax. They are Calm, nice and outgoing. All of the Leaders of the Alliance are happy to take anyone who is looking for a guild, and will help. Just like us they are here for you. They are all great and we are so happy to be in an Alliance with them all...


Any final comments?

We all would like to thank everyone in Relax for everything you have done for the guild and the players you have helped. You all have made this game super fun and a place for people to come together can meet new friends We can't thank you guys ENOUGH for what you have done for the Alliance. And We would like to thank everyone in the Alliance, you have all became family to Relax, love you guys always... I could not have been around better alliances then you guys.

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