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2x Astral Diamonds, 20% Mount and 15% Wondrous Bazaar Sale!

Автор: Andy (StrumSlinger) | Чт 15 сен 2016 10:00:00

As our Wondrous Bazaar sale didn't happen last week, we've turned it on this weekend in order to make up for it. We apologize for the inconvenience and will try and ensure this doesn't happen again.

Returning once again is 2x Astral Diamonds and a 20% mount sale! During this time, you’ll receive double the rough Astral Diamonds earned in game.

Let the 2x AD and the 20% mount sale begin: Thursday, September 15 at 10AM PT

2x AD and the 20% mount sale will end: Monday, September 19 at 10AM PT

A few ways to acquire Rough AD:

  • Salvaging Level 60 Epic items
  • Invocation
  • Skirmishes
  • Dungeons


It’s time to refine!


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