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Maintenance Stream: 8/16 at 7AM PT

Автор: Andy (StrumSlinger) | Пт 12 авг 2016 12:16:55

When the servers go down for maintenance on August 16, there’s only one place to go to await the incoming invasion of giants: our Storm King’s Thunder maintenance stream! Join Community Manager, Andy “StrumSlinger” Wong at 7AM PT to hang out with the rest of the community, discuss all things Neverwinter, and win prizes. Neverwinter on Xbox One and PlayStation®4 are also undergoing maintenance at the same time, which will make this party all the more gigantic!

There’s no real agenda, so we’ll play it by ear during this stream. We just like having a place for the community to gather while awaiting the next expansion. Stream viewers will be the first to hear of any updates directly from Andy. Anyone watching the stream will also be eligible to win a Rainbow Starry Panther for both PC and Xbox One and a Miniature Giant Space Hamster for PS4.

Where: Perfect World Twitch channel

When: August 16 at 7AM PT (What time is this for you?)

Who: Community Manager, StrumSlinger

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