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Neverwinter Xbox One: 2x XP Weekend

Автор: Andy (StrumSlinger) | Ср 27 июл 2016 08:00:00

Adventurers, starting today until Monday, August 1, going on the hunt will soon be more rewarding in Neverwinter! With the upcoming Double XP Weekend, your characters and companions will level faster than ever! Experience rewards from quests, killing critters, and other in-game activities will soon be doubled! Get ready to explore Forgotten Realms with your party and grow even stronger. Especially since Guild Alliances is on the horizon.

Double XP Weekend begins: Thursday, July 28 at 10AM PT (Pacific)

Double XP Weekend ends: Monday, August 1 at 10AM PT (Pacific)

What will grant you double XP in Neverwinter during this event?

- XP gained from killing creatures in game.

- XP gained from professions.

- XP rewards from quests.

- XP rewards from invocation.

- Companions will also gain double XP. Even if you are level 60, your companions will continue to gain double XP as you progress through the game.




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