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The Arc Weekly - January 29, 2016

Di Jayson | ven 29 gen 2016 17:40:13 PST

There's so much going on with Livelock, Neverwinter, Star Trek Online and more this week. Get caught up on all the details with our Weekly Recap.

Weekly Recap



Community News

  • Livelock Announcement - This week, we announced an all-new top-down co-op shooter called Livelock. Check out our blog for more details and a peek at gameplay in our first trailer.
  • Livelock: Meet Tuque Games - Tuque Games also made their debut this week with the premiere of their first game. Learn about the developers behind the Capital Intellects.
  • Forskaen World: Awakening is Live! - The Awakening expansion is now live and available for all! Check out all the new updates to FW including an increased level cap, Elemental Relics, a new map and more.
  • Star Trek Online: 6 Year Celebration - Join us in celebrating six great years of Star Trek Online with in-game events, giveaways and more!
  • Neverwinter: Challenge of the Gods - Do you have what it takes to overcome the test and receive a Gift of the Gods? Learn more here!


Around the Web


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