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Community Live Stream, October 9

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | gio 08 ott 2015 13:13:33 PDT

Well met, adventurers! It's been a while since we've had a community live stream, which is why we've decided to host one on Friday, October 9 at 4pm PT (Pacific). We don't have much planned for this particular stream, so we'll play by ear. We can do anything from showing more Strongholds for the Xbox crowd including Stronghold Siege, doing a trivia contest of sorts, showing off some Foundry missions and doing some Q&A. Who knows, we might even give you a sneak peek of Underdark!

Whatever it is, we'll be giving out prizes to a total of six viewers (or more)!

  • If you're a PC winner, you'll get a Drow Mercenary Companion.
  • If you're an Xbox winner, you'll get a Mystic Phoera Companion.


See you there tomorrow!

Who: Community Manager, StrumSlinger and the Neverwinter community!

What: Community Live Stream

Where: Perfect World Twitch Channel

When: Friday, October 9 at 4pm PT (What time is this for you?)


Andy "StrumSlinger" Wong

Community Manager for Neverwinter

nw-news, nw-xbox, nw-livestreams, nw-launcher,

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