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Neverwinter: Elemental Evil Launches September 8 on Xbox One!

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | gio 27 ago 2015 08:58:00 PDT

With our biggest update yet, Elemental Evil will be available for free on Xbox One on September 8! Elemental Evil contains a whopping four expansions: Fury of the Feywild, Shadowmantle, Curse of Icewind Dale and Elemental Evil. With these four expansions comes the Oathbound Paladin class, a level cap increase to 70, four new campaigns, eight exciting new zones and much more. Take a look at Elemental Evil in action with our official gameplay trailer!

With your unwavering support for Neverwinter, it continues to be the top free-to-play game on Xbox One in 2015 with over 2.1 million players! We strive to offer you the best experience in Neverwinter and love hearing your feedback on our forums and social channels.

As we prepare to launch Elemental Evil, we’re chronicling exactly what content comes with each of these expansions in our Elemental Evil Handbook so you’ll be well-prepared before fending off the likes of Valindra, Malabog and Kessell.

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