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Neverwinter Xbox One: Double XP and Refinement Points!

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | gio 25 giu 2015 17:23:28 PDT

Well met adventurers,

Due to the extended maintenance for Neverwinter Xbox One, we've decided to hold a Double XP Weekend and Midweek Double Refinement Event! Lord Neverember wanted to apologize and has decreed that this is what shall happen for our brave adventurers.

Double XP Starts: 6/26 at 10AM PDT

Double XP Ends: 6/29 at 10AM PDT

Double RP Starts: 6/29 at 10AM PDT

Double RP Ends: 7/2 at 10AM PDT

What will grant Double RP during this time?

  • Refining anything will grant you double the Refinement Points.


What will grant you Double XP in Neverwinter during this time?

  • XP gained from killing creatures in game.
  • XP rewards from quests.
  • XP rewards from Leadership tasks.
  • XP rewards from invocation.
  • Companions will also gain double XP for kills, XP rewards, etc. Even if you are at max level, your companions will continue to gain double XP as you progress through the game.



Discuss in the official forums.


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