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Mysterious Drake Scroll & 15% off Wondrous Bazaar!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | gio 18 gen 2018 07:00:00 PST

The Mysterious Drake Summoning Scroll is in the Wondrous Bazaar for a limited time! Found in an abandoned alchemical laboratory of the Cult of the Dragon, Wylander Ilmarin is giving adventurers a chance to purchase this scroll and uncover its mysteries!

In addition, the wares at the Wondrous Bazaar will be 15% off!

Unravel the scroll starting Thursday, January 18 at 10am PT

The scroll and sale will vanish on Monday, January 22 at 10am PT

Opening a scroll will give players a chance to obtain the Hunting Drake Companion or the Ambush Drake Companion.

Hunting Drake

Hunting Drakes, with their patient temperament and sharp senses, are trained to help hunters stalk and hold prey. Besides their swift tail swipe attack, their harsh, icy spit can greatly hinder their prey’s maneuverability.

As a purple quality companion, the Hunting Drake has a Max Rank of 35 and comes with initial power points in Power, Critical Strike, and Armor Penetration. This companion also comes equipped with a Rank 7 Bonding Runestone, one offense slot, and one defense slot

The Hunting Drake has five powers and one active bonus (+300 Control Resistance)


Ambush Drake

Ambush Drakes are greatly prized by those who prefer to assault their enemies from concealment. They use stealth to hide until the time is right and then strike, poisoning their foes with potent venom.

As a purple quality companion, the Hunting Drake has a Max Rank of 35 and comes with initial power points in Power, Critical Strike, and Armor Penetration. This companion also comes equipped with a Rank 7 Bonding Runestone, one offense slot, and one defense slot

The Ambush Drake has five powers and two active bonuses (+165 Armor Penetration, +165 Recovery)

Log in now to pick up a Mysterious Drake Summoning Scroll and collect one of these exclusive companions. Act now before time runs out! Which companion would you want to fight alongside you? 

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