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Patch Notes: NW.65.20160906b.18

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | lun 14 nov 2016 19:12:58 PST

Release Notes

Content and Environment


  • Icewind Dale: If players donate currencies to their Stronghold coffer while on the quest, The Long Night, they are now able to progress by returning the next day to complete daily quests.
  • Storm King's Thunder: Fishing nodes no longer get into a non-interactive state when players take certain actions.


Future Events

  • Challenge of the Gods: The event text now explicitly states an item's binding type if it doesn't match the default state for the item.



Items and Economy


  • The tooltip for the uncommon-quality Ostorian Trowel has been updated for clarity.



User Interface

Auction House

  • There is now a limit to the number of unclaimed items a player may have in their mail. Once this limit is reached, the player may no longer post items up for auction until they claim items from their mail.
    • Existing items in mail are unchanged, and can still be viewed and claimed.



  • Overload Enchantments no longer display a strange symbol in their context menu.


Main Menu

  • The Special Quests entry no longer remains a permanent option after a player completes the Mount tutorial.



  • Players may no longer incorrectly Vote Abandon while not actually in a queue.  (This was previously hot-fixed.)



  • When restoring Relic gear, the default cursor position no longer causes a tooltip to cover the required reagents for restoration.


Sword Coast Chronicle

  • Rewards now show up much more quickly when opening a Deed's details.


Zen Market

  • When previewing gear for Sergeant Knox's Adventurer Recruitment Order, the off-hand weapon now shows the expected tooltip.



Performance and Stability


  • Various crashes and performance issues, both client and server side, have been addressed.


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