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15% off Keys & 20% off Packs and Companions!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | gio 21 dic 2017 07:00:00 PST

The key to some great rewards are, well, keys! Unlock your way to greatness with a 15% Key sale! And if you have your eye on specific companions or want some bundled goods, Companions and Packs are 20% off!

15% Keys/20% Packs/20% Companions Sale Starts Thursday, December 21 at 7:30AM PT (PC) and 10am PT (Console)

15% Keys/20% Packs/20% Companions Sale Ends Thursday, December 28 at 7:30AM PT (PC) and 10am PT (Console)

On PC, players can use Keys to unlock the Lockbox of the Lost for a chance at the Legendary Carpet of Flying! Explore a whole new world alongside a friend with this dual-seater mount!

On Console, the Gloriuous Resurgence Lockbox allows players to obtain items from previous lockboxes such as the Manticore Mount!

nw-news, nw-launcher, nw-playstation, nw-xbox,

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