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Special Razer Promotion

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | mar 02 mag 2017 08:10:00 PDT

Greetings, adventurers! While you’re off adventuring in the Forgotten Realms, make sure to take a break and stop on by the Razer Store. Our friends at Razer are holding a special promotion for you to obtain an exclusive Razer keychain, pictured below.

If you spend over a certain amount at the Razer Store, you’ll receive the Razer Chroma Keycap Keychain Collectable for free! This is an exclusive item that is only available during this promotional period.

See the table below for minimum spend amounts, region, and code to be used at check out to receive the keychain.

Click Link Below for Your Region

Minimum Spend Amount

Checkout Code

US Region



GB Region



CA Region




Razer is a gaming lifestyle brand that connects gamers all over the world with their state of the art products such as gaming mice, headsets, keyboards, mics, and much more. In fact, we use their gear in office for our streaming and gaming needs, and couldn’t be happier.

Terms and conditions: 

  • This deal is valid till May 7th, 2017 PST. 
  • Availability of products and gifts is limited, and offer shall only be valid while stocks last. 
  • Offer are only applicable for purchases made on and cannot be combined with any other offers. 
  • Razer reserves the right to cancel any bulk orders. 
  • Razer reserves the right to withdraw, terminate or amend the terms of this promotion at any time.
  • Promotion excludes Razer Blade laptops, OSVR, and Razer systems.

Please note, this deal is for items bought from the Razer Store and NOT from our Zen Market.


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