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Announcing Neverwinter: The Cloaked Ascendancy for Console!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | gio 16 mar 2017 09:00:00 PDT

On April 11, heroes on Console will face the mages of the Cloak Tower as the Spellplague continues to cast a shadow over Neverwinter!

In The Cloaked Ascendancy, adventurers return to the city after the harrowing events of Storm King’s Thunder to honor a fallen hero. However, a strange cabal of mages led by Gyrion the Ascendant have made themselves known and are prepared to wield their powers against the citizens of Neverwinter!

In this latest expansion, adventurers will brave their way through the River District to uncover hidden motives and return to the Spellplague Caverns leveling dungeon, including an Epic version with different monsters and bosses. In addition to a new campaign, adventure zone, and skirmish, powerful artifact weapons await the hero willing to stand up against this new tyranny!

To learn more about the new features, contents, and more in The Cloaked Ascendancy, visit the expansion’s Developer Blog Hub!

Are you ready to face The Cloaked Ascendancy? 


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