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2016 Holiday Sales!

Di LaughingTrendy | mar 20 dic 2016 18:01:16 PST

Deck the halls with bounties of ZEN! We're kicking off the holiday season with a plethora of bonuses and sales for all of our players! From Charge Bonuses to In-Game Sales, there's a variety of goodies to stuff your stockings with!





From now until 12/26 at midnight, you'll be able to unlock extra Zen! When you purchase virtual currency via our Charge Page using select payment processors listed below, we’ll add additional value to your purchase for you to spend in all your favorite games. Here are some additional details:

This Charge Bonus is ONLY available for the following payment processors:

Direct Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover)
Skrill (Formerly Moneybookers)







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