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Guild Spotlight: Guild Medieval

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | mar 31 mag 2016 13:15:44 PDT

What's the story of how your guild was founded?
While a few speculate over empty tankards on rumors of Guild Medieval being a fellowship started by none other than the Sage of Shadowdale himself, more level headed people believe that the guild was created in 2001 to provide a drama-free and family-oriented environment for mature gamers. 

Our family tree has branched out since then to many other games. We have been in Neverwinter since beta launch in 2013.

How did your guild choose its name?
It was during the dark days of Diablo, where it was hard to find a guild free of cheats, hackers and drama. By providing a safe haven, we felt like Knight Protectors for our members and this is where our medieval theme stems from.

What's the message you want conveyed about your guild?
We believe that the person behind the keyboard is more important than the pixels on the screen and that everyone should have the opportunity to play without fear of being harassed, heckled, or abused. When recruiting new members, we are looking for friends to game with instead of players with a particular class or level.

We expect our members to show fair play, courtesy, and camaraderie, with players both in-guild and out. We are also very much against the use of exploits, cheats or hacks.

The family friendly aspect of our guild also makes us unique. We do not use bad language and have a golden rule of real life first. Our members are also not asked to pay any contributions other than their participation in our community, ingame and on our forums.

If your guild had a superpower, what would it be?
After finding inspiration from an unlikely source (thank you Fluttershy!), we decided that it would be ‘Compassion Empowerment’ which means to gain strength from kindness. In guild, we have another name for it; GMness :). 

What's one of the best guild events you've done?
Dragonflight stands out because all levels can join in and it’s brilliant fun to do! Every adventurer dreams of battling one of the largest and most intimidating of foes: the dragon. The first time that we defeated all 4 dragons was without a doubt one of our best guild events. Teamwork and strategy must be utilised for a successful run and we encourage everyone to take part.

Does your stronghold have a name? If it doesn't, what would you name it?
It would have to be ‘Home’ :).

What has you most excited about Guild Alliances?
We think Guild Alliances could really give some depth to the Stronghold concept, and are excited at the idea of forging ties with guilds that have strong values similar to ours. This may also let us reach out to guilds who may be struggling with Stronghold growth.

If your guild was an animal, what would it be?
We had a lot of fun trying to come up with the answer to this question! We decided on the Meerkat or Suricata. Fun, active, social and community-oriented; it seemed like a good representation of us. It’s immunity to poison would come in very handy too :).

Who can players contact if they want either more information or want to join the guild?
The best place to find out more information about us is on our website, it’s also where anyone who wants to join can apply: 
To contact us ingame:
Recruitment: @vforvictoria
Leadership: @targlock@cbnia

Any final comments?
We would really like to thank Andy and the team for spotlighting us! It’s a great honor to be recognised and to have an opportunity to let the Neverwinter community know a bit more about us. Big thanks also to our officers and guild members who helped to put this together.
As always, we are looking for new members for our family and now also some like-minded guilds to ally with.

• Thou Shalt Have Fun. If you aren’t, stop. Not later. Now.
• Play What, How and When You Want. You are playing this game for yourself, not for others.
• Real Life Always Comes First. Always. No need for apologies. Take care of your kids, your significant other, yourself first.
• Be Excellent to Each Other.

Thank you for reading!

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