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Neverwinter: Play with the Devs on Preview!

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | ven 05 feb 2016 10:44:04 PST

Well met, adventurers!

In anticipation for Neverwinter: The Maze Engine, we’re calling out to adventurers from all corners of the Realms to help us test the latest expansion before release.

The developers themselves have chosen a few days until launch – the exact dates are to be announced – where they’ll be on Preview playing their content with you! During these times, they’ll be testing very specific aspects of The Maze Engine and need your feedback to further help the development process. Make sure to copy over your character on to Preview!

Look out for announcements on our Preview forums, for that’s where you’ll get all the latest information on when the developers will be in-game. We'll also update this blog when we finalize the time and date each week.

As always, testing on Preview isn’t limited to these times. Feel free to continue playtesting The Maze Engine and leaving feedback on their respective threads, once they’re up.

The first “Play with the Devs!” is scheduled for this Friday, February 5 from 3-4PM PT (What time is this for you?)! They’ll be posting official feedback threads before this time.

See you in the maze!

nw-news, nw-launcher,

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