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Patch Notes: NW.55.20151105a.5

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | lun 23 nov 2015 17:35:18 PST

Patch Notes

Content and Environment

Cragmire Crypts

  • Kallos Tam no longer rarely respawns after being defeated.
  • Adventurers no longer rarely respawn after being defeated.



  • A Double Guild Marks event is now scheduled to begin November 25.
  • Elemental Artifact Weapon quests now all gain progress when multiple are accepted at a time.
  • Players may now accept Masterwork Recipe quests while Elemental Artifact Weapon quests are in progress.


Items and Economy
Masterwork Recipes

  • Electrum, Samite, and Rosegold accessories created through Masterwork Recipes now require level 70 to equip.
  • Gladiator, Executioner, Medic, and Duelist armor created through Masterwork Recipes now require level 70 to equip.



  • Underdark Explorer Pack: The Stone of Health now binds to account when purchased with a 100% Off coupon.
  • The act of looking at Demonic Ichor in a treasure chest no longer causes it to count toward your weekly total.


Classes and Balance

  • Oathbound Paladin: Prism: This feat will no longer trigger from healing caused by Bond of Virtue or Heal over Time effects.


User Interface
Gear Preview

  • Players may now preview gear that cannot be equipped by their class.


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