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Play With the Devs: Demogorgon Fight

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | ven 13 nov 2015 22:24:00 PST

Demogorgon is ever closer to making his appearance in Neverwinter on November 17. To prepare adventurers for the so-called Prince of Demons, the developers have decided to host a “Play With the Devs: Demogorgon Fight!” On Monday, November 16 from 3-4pm PT, a number of Cryptic developers will be on the Preview shard queuing up for Demogorgon. Join them in taking down this demon lord!


  • Must be on the Preview shard
  • Character must be level 70
  • Character must have an iLvl of at least 2000
  • Character must have progressed far enough into the Underdark campaign to unlock the Demogorgon fight.


We hope to see you there!

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