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Underdark Community Goals with Rewards!

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | lun 09 nov 2015 08:59:00 PST

Update 12/1: It’s time to announce the results of our Underdark Community Goals! The community met a total of four of six goals, which isn’t too shabby. Here are the dates that the rewards will be on the Zen Market for free (all of them will start at 10am PST and end at 9:59am PST the following day):

  • Thurs, 12/3: Stone of Health
  • Fri, 12/4: 3x Preservation Wards
  • Mon, 12/7: 4x Black Dye Bottles
  • Tues, 12/8: 5x Scrolls of Life


As for the goals that weren’t met, no need to fret. We’ll plan additional events to make up for them in the near future – possibly some in-game events.

Thanks for participating!

Update 11/30: We'll announce when the prizes will be available tomorrow morning! Sorry for the delay.

Update 11/23: Due to our forecasts being overly ambitious and sentiment that the rewards are not quite up to par, we've decided to lower all the goals. Check the table below for the new set of numbers to achieve. Thank you to everyone participating and make sure to tell your friends!

Well met, adventurers!

Underdark lurks in the near horizon with new adventures and perils alike. We caution all adventurers who dare to descend into the looming madness to prepare themselves for what’s to come. To further aid this journey, we’re starting up our Underdark Community Goals! We’d like for the community to work together in meeting these goals, which will in turn, unlock rewards for the entire server.

Here are the goals and rewards:






Underdark Gameplay Trailer Views

11/9 when the trailer is published.

50K (YouTube + Facebook)

Stone of Health

11/30 at 10:00AM PT

75K (YouTube + Facebook)

Basic Astral Diamonds Voucher*

Twitter Retweets – Underdark is LIVE!

11/17 when the tweet is live. Link to the Tweet!


Black Dye Bottles x 4

11/30 at 10:00AM PT


Preservation Wards x 3

Facebook Shares – Underdark is LIVE!

11/17 when the post is live.


Scrolls of Life x 5

11/30 at 10:00AM PT


Basic Surplus Equipment Voucher*

*Vouchers will work differently than the other rewards. More information to come when Underdark goes live. Make sure to be subscribed to our mailing list.


All rewards that have been met are expected to hit the servers in the Zen Market for free in early December. We’ll make an announcement on November 30!

Spread the word to all about this campaign and prepare for the twisted adventures Underdark will bring come November 17! Follow us on Twitter @NeverwinterGame, like us on Facebook at /NeverwinterGame and subscribe to our YouTube channel at /Arc

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