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Patch Notes: NW.50.20150902b.9

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | mer 23 set 2015 17:03:52 PDT

Patch Notes


Classes and Balance

  • Scourge Warlock: Soul Puppet: If your soul puppet gets more than 100' from you, it will teleport back to you.
  • Scourge Warlock: Spiritfire: This feat now correctly calculates your weapon damage.
  • Scourge Warlock: Warlock's Bargain: Resolved an issue where If damage you take would kill you, you will no longer reflect damage from that hit.


Content and Environment

  • Stronghold Siege Tutorial: added a "i'd like to continue this later" option to the traveling wizard's dialogue choices. This allows exits from the map. Wizard spawns in all objective areas if the tutorial mission is dropped.


Items and Economy

  • Astral Diamonds awarded for completing dungeons is automatically granted when killing the final boss. This also resolves an issue where the daily cap for AD awarded this way could be lower than intended.
  • Briartwine Enchantment: Resolved an issue where If damage you take would kill you, you will no longer reflect damage from that hit.
  • Seals of Triumph no longer drop from Stronghold Siege. They remain for the first win of the day in Gauntlgrym and Domination.
  • Marks of Potency have been reduced from 25k AD to 6k AD in the Wondrous Bazaar.
  • Greater Marks of Potency have been reduced from 100k AD to 25k AD and have a chance to drop from Enchanted Coffers from Leadership.
  • Superior Marks of Potency have been added to the Wondrous Bazaar and will be priced at 100k AD and Have a chance to drop from the Refiner's Cache and Coffers in the Dread Ring.
  • Refining Enchantments from Rank 10 to 11 will now cost 2 Superior Marks of Potency, instead of 5 Greater Marks of Potency.
  • Refining Enchantments from Rank 11 to 12 will now cost 4 Superior Marks of Potency, instead of 5 Greater Marks of Potency.
  • Refining Armor and Weapon Enchantments above Rank 10 now require Superior Marks of Potency instead of Greater Marks of Potency.
  • Read more about the Astral Diamond changes here:


User Interface

  • Dropdown style lists of items now show items in your inventory first and items in your bank last. This includes donating to the coffer, character sheets and slotting gems.
  • PvP final scoreboards will now show 4 items that are awarded at the end of the match and can scroll for more.
  • Stronghold Siege score HUD now displays the correct guild name you are fighting for instead of your own guild's name.
  • Stronghold Siege score HUD now englufs the correct guild's health bar in flames when under attack by the dragon.


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