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Live Stream: Q&A with R.A. Salvatore!

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | mer 23 set 2015 11:09:00 PDT

The Q&A with R.A. Salvatore has concluded. Watch the broadcast below!


Watch live video from PerfectWorld_Community on Twitch

Well met, adventurers! On Tuesday, September 22, R.A. Salvatore, the author of some of the most acclaimed Dungeons & Dragons novels and the creator of Drizzt Do’Urden, will join us for a community live stream! As we previously announced, our next expansion will see players fighting alongside several characters from R.A. Salvatore's novels in a questline Salvatore has written specifically for Neverwinter!

As we know, many of our adventurers have traveled across an eternity of campaigns in D&D, so our live stream will be a Q&A session for and by the community. We’ve heard many a tale of how Salvatore’s stories have inspired or changed your lives, which makes us all the more excited to host this stream. This is your chance to not only ask any questions you may have about his novels, characters or writing process, but also a chance to show him how far his influence has reached.

We’re opening the lines to all our adventurers to ask any questions or share any stories they desire in our official forum topic, which Salvatore will answer during our stream. We can’t wait for September 22!

What: Community Q&A with R.A. Salvatore!

Where: Perfect World Twitch Channel

When: September 22 at 5PM PDT (What time is this for you?)

Ask your questions on our official forum topic

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