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Neverwinter: Announcing Guild Spotlights!

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | ven 26 giu 2015 11:43:40 PDT

With Neverwinter: Strongholds on the horizon, we’re not only focusing on guilds, but the strength that can come from a community uniting under one cause. In Strongholds, your entire guild will work together to build a place you can call home and reap the benefits of teamwork. In that light and in preparation of Strongholds, we’d like to shine a spotlight on the current guilds in Neverwinter by holding a bi-weekly Guild Spotlight!

This is your chance to have your guild bask in early fame and glory by being the very first to be featured on our official pages. We’ll feature your guild in all our channels including a blog, social channels and on Twitch so you can easily direct people to them when anyone dares look down on your guild.

How do you submit for featuring? Answer the following questions and post in the official Guild Spotlight thread:

  • What’s the name of your guild?
  • Number of accounts?
  • Number of characters?
  • How long has your guild been around?
  • Why should we spotlight your guild (at least one paragraph and no more than three)?
  • Include a screenshot if you can!



  • Only one submission per guild.
  • No naming and shaming in the thread. The thread is strictly for submissions.
  • Please have one of your guild leaders make the submission and if not, at least have their consent.


Once we get these submissions and decide on which guild to spotlight, we’ll contact you through Private Message for further information. As this will be bi-weekly, we’ll contact the prospective spotlight-tee in one week, interview them and arrange for a photoshoot! If you weren't chosen, your initial entry is still valid and will always be in the running to be spotlighted in the future.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get your submissions in! Our first guild spotlight will be on July 10.

Note: This spotlight is for PC only, but never fear, we'll start them for Xbox One in the near future.

nw-news, nw-strongholds, nw-guild-spotlight,

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