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An Important Announcement About Neverwinter: Elemental Evil

Di Rob Overmeyer | ven 13 mar 2015 06:00:00 PDT

When we first announced Neverwinter: Elemental Evil in January, our team was excited to introduce the community to our biggest expansion launch for Neverwinter to-date. With our efforts to revamp nearly all of our in-game systems, including the introduction of the level cap increase and the new Oathbound Paladin class, our plan was more ambitious than we had anticipated.

Our Neverwinter team wants to ensure that we deliver our promise of a high quality expansion, and in order to do so, we need a few more weeks to fine tune the Neverwinter: Elemental Evil experience. Consequently, we have made the decision to delay the launch of Neverwinter: Elemental Evil to April 7.

We appreciate your patience as we take this extra time to make sure the Neverwinter: Elemental Evil experience lives up to not only our expectations but yours as well. Our team is extremely excited for players to experience the new story, zones, critter groups and additional new changes coming to our game in April. Stay tuned to our blog and social channels as we continue to share additional details for Neverwinter: Elemental Evil.

- Rob Overmeyer, Executive Producer

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