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Neverwinter: Elemental Evil Now Live!

Di Akromatik | mar 07 apr 2015 12:18:00 PDT

The time has come, adventurers, to defend the Sword Coast from utter destruction once again!

The Cults of Elemental Evil have amassed their forces to take over the Sword Coast and reduce all life down to its four basic elements: Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water. With each element comes a terrifying coterie of cultists more dangerous than the next. Fortunately for the good citizens of Neverwinter, the Sword Coast factions have lent their strength to the cause of driving out the menacing cultists and saving the Sword Coast. In addition to these powerful factions, two heroes have emerged to drive an armored boot into the elemental backside of evil. Indeed, the Ranger Minsc and his miniature giant space hamster, Boo, have appeared and are ready to aid in the fight to save Neverwinter.

With Neverwinter: Elemental Evil comes the Oathbound Paladin, a class suited to both tanking and healing. Elemental Evil will also bring with it a raised level cap, allowing players to reach level 70 and enter special epic dungeons that have been reworked to provide challenges worthy of their epic title. Adventurers on the PC will also be able battle the Cults of Elemental Evil through 4 new adventure zones, each with its own elemental theme.

The Forgotten Realms are in need of your aid once again, will you heed the call?

Are you excited for Elemental Evil’s release? Let us know on the Neverwinter Forums!

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