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Last Chance: Siege of Neverwinter

Di Akromatik | ven 23 gen 2015 14:18:00 PST

The Cult of the Dragon has been beaten back to the dark recesses from which they came. The battle has been won and the siege has abated. For your valiant efforts, a representative of the city of Neverwinter will be available at the event dais until 10AM PST on January 29th to exchange the event currencies you earned during the siege for amazing rewards!

Siege of Neverwinter Last Chance Begins: 10AM PST on January 22th (When is this for you?)

Siege of Neverwinter Last Chance Ends: 10AM PST on January 29th (When is this for you?)

Event Currencies

Writ of Commendations – A daily currency for the event earned by completing daily quests.

Dragon Cult Insignia – A repeatable currency for the event earned by participating in the Heroic Encounters.

Medal of Heroism – An additional currency earned by participating in Heroic Encounters, turning in Defenders supplies or via the Zen Market.

Neverwintan Defender’s Pack – Medals of Heroism can be turned in for the Defender’s Pack, which includes 1 Writ of Commendation, 4 Dye Packs from Siege of Neverwinter and a chance at rare items such as the Battlefield Medic Companion and Black Horse mount.

Event Rewards

For valiantly defending the city of Neverwinter, adventurers can receive these rewards:

Dragon Hoard Coins: A currency used in the Tyranny of Dragons campaign. This can be used in fulfilling campaign tasks and contributing to the Tiamat Hoard reclamation effort.

Dragon Hoard Coffers: Another currency used in the Tyranny of Dragons campaign. This can also be used in fulfilling campaign tasks and contributing to the Tiamat Hoard reclamation effort.

Salvager’s Enchantment: This utility enchantment causes enemies to occasionally drop a bag of salvage.

Event Companions: Neverember Guard Archer and Battlefield Medic

Event Fashion: Battlefield Medic’s Ensemble and Injured Survivor's Outfit

Event Dye Packs: Veteran and Dragonslayer’s Dye Pack

What rewards did you like most in the Siege of Neverwinter event? Let us know using #DefendNW on Facebook or Twitter.

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