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How to Redeem Codes on Arc

Di DwightMC | lun 21 lug 2014 12:00:00 PDT

A Guide on how to redeem codes on Arc

Have a Steam key? Redeem it here!

Arc brings your favorite games, communities, and media together onto one easy-to-use platform.  Arc is your central location for all the latest news, trailers and announcements for Neverwinter.  With all the promotions going on for Neverwinter, you’ll want to make sure you have Arc installed to take full advantage of all the codes you can redeem.

Head here to download Arc now. Once you have Arc installed, head to Neverwinter’s Product Page to install Neverwinter and cash-in those promotional codes.

Do you have a Neverwinter Key from a promotion or maybe a hidden code found in a blog? Here’s how to redeem it:

Once you have Arc opened up, click on the Arc logo in the top left corner. A drop-down menu will appear and the very first option will be “Redeem Code.”

The Key Redemption window will appear allowing you to enter your code. If successful, you’ll receive this message below:

You can also click on “View Redeemed Keys” which will show you all keys redeemed on your account.

Successfully redeemed codes

How do I claim the rewards? Once you’ve redeemed your key, the items can be found at the Rewards Claim Agent in Protector’s Enclave. Make sure to check all tabs for your items.

Click here to register for Neverwinter, the Dungeons & Dragons action MMORPG. The best part about Neverwinter: it's free to play! Get a head start in-game by purchasing Neverwinter item packs which include unique companions, mounts, boosts, and exclusive benefits!

Want more game details, screens, and videos? Like Neverwinter on Facebook for more fan-exclusive content and follow us on Twitter – tweet us your questions! And, subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest Neverwinter videos.



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