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Module 3 Curse of Icewind Dale Features

Di DwightMC | mar 04 mar 2014 06:00:00 PST

We’re proud to announce the third free expansion module for Neverwinter, Curse of Icewind Dale. In this third update, coming on May 13, 2014, players can enjoy new PvE content and new features that will bring completely different ways to PvP.

We’re very excited about how PvP will be expanding and transforming in Module 3: Curse of Icewind Dale and we know you’ll enjoy all the PvE content in the upcoming expansion as well. We can’t wait to reveal more!

Leading up to the official launch of Module 3, we’ll be updating this blog multiple times a week with more information about the new features included in the content update. Here's a full list of features you can expect to see in Curse of Icewind Dale. Please note that this content is currently in development and is subject to change.

Module 3: Curse of Icewind Dale Live on May 13, 2014 

We’re proud to announce that Module 3: Curse of Icewind Dale, the third free content expansion for Neverwinter, will be live on May 13, 2014. (Read More...)

Icewind Dale

This iconic region has been recreated in Neverwinter, after being the primary location of multiple R.A. Salvatore novels, as well as multiple other video games. (Read More...)


Having already fought off Akar Kessell's army once, the Ten-Towners now try to retain their grasp on the region by using the power of Black Ice. (Read more...)

Arcane Brotherhood

An organization of wizards from Luskan, the Arcane Brotherhood seeks to harvest Black Ice under the claims of academic pursuit. (Read More...)

Black Ice - Lore 

Black Ice is a new, extremely valuable resource, that players will be harvesting and fighting over within Icewind Dale. However, it has a dark history. (Read More...)

Dwarven Valley

This expansive valley is the second of the two new zones that will offer both PvP and PvE content to players. (Read More..)

Icewind Pass

This treacherous pass is one of the two new zones that will offer both PvP and PvE content to players. (Read More...)

Kessell's Retreat

Akar Kessell has returned and has fortified himself in a location high within Kelvin's Cairn, the mountain peak that overlooks all of Icewind Dale. (Read More...)


This new zone is a small fishing town in Icewind Dale, a staging point for those seeking black ice, and the neutral ground in the growing conflict between the Ten-Towners and Arcane Brotherhood. It will serve as the main social hub for all Icewind Dale activities. (Read More...)

Dungeon Keys

We will be adding dungeons keys to go along with the time-based dungeon delve events, to allow for dungeon delving at your leisure. (Read More...)

Post-60 Advancement

Once you hit 60, XP that you accumulate will start to provide you with rewards, rather than be lost in a void. (Read More..)

Mercenary Contracts

There are two new factions being introduced that will serve as the basis of the conflict over Black Ice in Icewind Dale: the local council of Ten-Towners capitalizing on the black ice trade to grow their wealth, and the Arcane Brotherhood who seeks to unlock the mysteries behind the black ice. Each offer temporary contracts to adventurers to further their goals in Icewind Dale. (Read More...)

New Enemies

As with every update, there will be a new array of enemies to battle, which will require new combat strategies to defeat efficiently.  This includes yeti, crag cats, dire bears, the corrupted Hammerstone Clan of dwarves, and the savage Bear Tribe of the Reghed Barbarians. (Read More...)

New Bosses

Along with Akar Kessell, players face the deadly black ice-corrupted beholder, undead giants, and the deadly remorhaz. (Read More..)

Black Ice - Gear

Unlike gear of old, Black Ice Gear will have unique properties that allow players to greatly increase their stats bonus, but only temporarily. (Read More..)

PvP Leaderboards & Matchmaking

The matchmaking system has undergone extensive revisions, and will now feature leaderboards so that you can climb the ranks to the most elite combatants in Neverwinter. (Read More...)

PvP Campaign

For the first time ever, Neverwinter will feature a PvP Campaign, which will have daily quests focused on slaying other players, or navigating through dangerous PvP areas for resources. (Read More..)

PvE Campaign

Explore the region with the Icewind Dale campaign by completing new repeatable quests, earning boons, and receiving gifts from the grateful people of Caer-Konig. (Read More...)

Hunter Ranger Paragon Path

To join the other classes, the Hunter Ranger will now have a new Paragon Path called the Pathfinder. (Read More..)

Black Ice - Harvesting

Players will be able to harvest Black Ice at varying speeds based on where they are harvesting it and what they are harvesting it with. (Read More...)

Black Ice - Shaping

With this new resource at hand, players will be utilizing a new profession in order to craft spectacular gear. (Read More...)

Heroic Encounters

Discover new quest encounters that appear as you adventure through Icewind Dale. They range in difficulty from minor encounters for 2 – 3 players to epic battles for a dozen or more! (Read More...)

What are you excited for in Module 3: Curse of Icewind Dale? Let us know in the official Neverwinter forums.

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