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Golden Companion Bundle!

Di Percemer | gio 05 mag 2022 08:02:06 PDT

A golden opportunity to expand your companion roster is available for a limited time! For the next week, the Golden Companion Bundle will be available in the Zen Market!

In addition, the Companion category will be 20% off during this time.

Bundle up starting Thursday, May 5 at 7:30am PT 

Bundle down on Thursday, May 12 at 7:30am PT 

The Golden Companion Bundle includes:

  • Companion Choice Pack (Choice of 2)
  • Rank 3 Enchantment Choice Pack x3 (NOTE: In-game pack description in Zen Market indicates 2x Packs but tooltip is correct and players are awarded 3x)
  • Golden Companion Pack (Grants 1 random) – Companions in this pack contain new Enhancement Powers (tooltips below)



The Golden Companion Pack grants 1 of the following companions randomly:

nw-news, nw-launcher, nw-playstation, nw-xbox,

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