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Butterfly Swarm Mount in Zen Market!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | mer 27 nov 2019 10:00:00 PST

Greetings Adventurer!

Do you prefer to flutter by or swarm into battle? With the Butterfly Swarm mount, you can do both! This mount is now available in the Zen Market for a limited time.

Butterfly Mount flutters in on November 27 at 10am PST

Butterfly Mount swarms out on December 12 at 10am PST

This epic mount will be available in Blue, Yellow, or Red and will be account reclaimable. In addition, for those that purchased the Expedition Pack, you will receive a voucher for 1 free Butterfly Swarm Mount!

nw-news, nw-launcher, nw-playstation, nw-xbox,

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