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Patch Notes: Version: NW.115.20190826c.28

Di Julia (nitocris83) | gio 10 ott 2019 20:04:44 PDT

Release Notes


Content and Environment


  • Cragmire Crypts: Killing Kallos Tam once again properly unlocks the door to the second half of the dungeon.


Items and Economy

Player versus Player

  • Season-end rewards now provide the correct number of Battle Trophies to the correct player ranks.
  • Players who had collected their Battle Trophies prior to this patch, and received fewer Battle Trophies than they should have earned, will have the remainder added to their character when they next log in.
    • If you don't receive your Battle Trophies, it may fix itself on a second log-in.
    • Players who received more Battle Trophies than expected will not have their extra Battle Trophies removed. Feel free to spend them.


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