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Patch Notes: Version: NW.95.20180306e.10

Di Julia (nitocris83) | mer 25 apr 2018 16:56:41 PDT


Release Notes


Content and Environment


  • Cradle of the Death God: A potential improvement has been made to server and client performance in this trial.
  • Fane of the Night Serpent: A potential improvement has been made to server performance in this instance.

Event Timing

  • The events on May 17th have been swapped with the ones on May 1st.  Among those changes are 2x Guild Marks (now running 5/1) and Bonus RP (now running 5/17).



Combat and Powers


  • Blood Visage: This effect now properly has an icon.
  • The Alpha Compy companion's summoned compies now more consistently revive after combat.



Items and Economy

Zen Market

  • The Blood Ruby Pack now consistently states the Blood Ruby's RP value of 5,000 in all locations.



Art, Animation, and Audio


  • Summoning the Paranoid Delusion companion no longer gets the player character and the companion stuck in a weird pose until they next enter combat.



Performance and Stability


  • Players running on 64-bit operating systems now default to running the Neverwinter client in the newly-available 64-bit mode.  This setting can be adjusted in the launcher.


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