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Arc Scheduled Maintenance: April 24, 2018

Di SoFech | dom 22 apr 2018 08:00:00 PDT

This Tuesday, April 24th from 11pm - 3am PT we will be performing maintenance on Arc servers that will affect some of our games and services. During this time, our engineers will be performing upgrades that will impact each service separately. Read the details below to find out how your favorite games will be affected:

These games will be unavailable during maintenance:

  • Forsaken World - Shylia
  • Forsaken World - Dyos
  • Forsaken World - lllyfue
  • Forsaken World - Nyos
  • Forsaken World - Tytan 
  • Jade Dynasty - Shura
  • Jade Dynasty - Archia
  • Perfect World International - Dawn Glory
  • Swordsman - Xia
  • Swordsman - Han
  • Neverwinter - Russia


When will maintenance begin in my timezone?

Our goal is to provide quality services and stable servers for you to enjoy Arc games, and we thank you for your patience and understanding during this maintenance. Find more updates on our Twitter and Facebook pages.


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