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Patch Notes: Version: NW.80.20170515e.13

Di Julia (nitocris83) | mer 21 giu 2017 20:26:58 PDT

Release Notes


Combat and Powers

Devoted Cleric

  • The feat, Bear Your Sins, no longer incorrectly triggers deflect procs like Frozen Reflection and Icy Aggression.


Items and Economy


  • Mount insignias can now properly be claimed after defeating the final boss of a dungeon.
  • Nostura's Companion Pack: When players receive an Intellect Devourer companion from this pack, it is now properly Epic quality, increased from Uncommon, to match the tooltip.
  • Nostura's Companion Pack: When players receive a Pewter Golem companion from this pack, it is now properly Uncommon quality, decreased from Rare, to match the tooltip.
    • These changes do not affect companions that have already been awarded by these packs.


Performance and Stability


  • Textures should now more consistently unload when they're no longer needed, or reduce in quality if the game gets close to its limit of texture memory used.
  • This should improve game performance and ideally lower the occurrence rate of "Out of Memory" crashes.

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