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15% off Keys & 15% off Refinement!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | mer 21 giu 2017 09:55:15 PDT

Heroes of Neverwinter! During this time of Jubilation, Lord Neverember has decreed that Refinement items and Keys be on sale!

15% off Refinement and Keys starts Wednesday, June 21 at 7:30am PT on PC and 10am PT on Console

15% off Refinement and Keys ends Monday, June 26 at 7:30am PT on PC and 10am PT on Console

During this time, all Refinement items in the Zen Market (Coalescent Wards, Preservation Wards, Blood Ruby, Blood Ruby Packs) will be 15% off.

In addition, all Keys (single and packs) are also 15% off, making it a great time to stock up or start opening Lockboxes! For Console and PC, the Lockbox of the Nine includes a chance to get the Celestial Stag mount!

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