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The Driftwood Tavern #5: June 9

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | mer 07 giu 2017 11:23:18 PDT

Greetings, adventurers! The Driftwood Tavern is back with its fifth episode this Friday, June 9 at an earlier time of 10am PT. Take a seat by the counter and join us for an hour of community updates. We’ll be talking a little more about what you can expect with Tomb of Annihilation.

These streams will be hosted by our Community Managers with special guests from both Cryptic and Perfect World and will focus on the following:

  • Providing news for the next two weeks
  • Updating everyone on any developer activity on the Preview forums you may have missed
  • Gathering feedback from the community
  • Spotlighting the community (fan art, videos, etc.)
  • Having a place for the community to get together
  • …and of course, winning prizes


“The Driftwood Tavern” will open up again on June 9 at 10am PT on the official Perfect World channel.


Where: Perfect World Twitch channel

When: Friday, June 9 at 10am PT (What time is this for you?)

Arrive early to chat with us before we go live!


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