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Patch Notes: Version: NW.80.20170417a.7

Di Julia (nitocris83) | ven 05 mag 2017 09:47:37 PDT

Release Notes


Content and Environment

Stronghold Marauders

  • Fewer enemies should spawn per wave during the Stronghold Marauders event.



Combat and Powers


  • In order to alleviate server performance issues, as well as to adhere more closely to the standard behavior of proc effects in Neverwinter, the following insignia bonuses will no longer be able to proc off of themselves and will instead only proc off of at-will, encounter and daily powers:
    • Barbarian's Delight
    • Barbarian's Revelry
    • Magistrate's Restraint
    • Magistrate's Patience
    • Vampire's Thirst
    • Vampire's Craving
  • The tooltip for the insignia bonuses "Magistrate's Restraint" and "Magistrate's Patience" no longer incorrectly implies that the effect stacks.
    • The tooltip previously erroneously stated "your target will gain a stack of Magistrate's Consideration."  It has been updated to indicate "your target will gain Magistrate's Consideration."
    • The functionality remains unchanged.  When the effect is reapplied before it has ended, the duration will be refreshed.



Items and Economy


  • Artificing: The task to create oak lumber no longer requires oak lumber, which requires oak lumber, which…
    • This task now properly requires oak logs.
  • Weaponsmithing: Steel Battleaxe Display: This task now requires two Oak Lumber instead of Lacquered Ebony.
  • General: Various new tasks, introduced in Shroud of Souls, have been adjusted so they appear properly in order of difficulty (in relation to other tasks at the same rank).



Performance and Stability


  • An issue with terrain textures has been addressed.  As a result, large maps like Strongholds and the Storm King's Thunder trio should have improved framerate on most machines.
  • One potential cause of "Device Removed" crashes has been addressed.

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