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20% off Mounts!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | gio 23 mar 2017 07:00:00 PDT

Well met, adventurers! Tired of blending in with the rest of Protector's Enclave using the same mount? Well, you're in luck! No matter which mount you want to ride into battle with, this weekend is a great chance to get one with all mounts being 20% off!

Mount Sale Starts Thursday, March 23 at 7:30am PT (or after maintenance)

Mount Sale Ends Monday, March 27 at 7:30am PT

Whether you wish to intimidate your foes with the Skeletal Work or impress others atop a Dusk Unicorn, there are many mounts to choose from! Have a look yourself: simply press “Y” in game to bring up the Zen Market and navigate to the “Mounts” tab.

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