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Developer Blog: Artifact Equipment - The Cloaked Ascendancy

Di Julia (nitocris83) | ven 10 feb 2017 07:00:00 PST

The once deserted River District is now being excavated as Lord Neverember continues to work on maintaining stability in Neverwinter. As crews recover old artifacts and precious goods, they have saved the best for those that are risking their lives to protect Neverwinter from its newest threat, the Cloaked Ascendancy.

However, as the River District has been abandoned for a long time, many of the found artifacts are worse for wear. It sounds like these artifacts just need some dedicated time and elbow grease to fix them up. Of course, that means good, old-fashioned restoration!

Similar to the Relic weapons found in Storm King’s Thunder, certain items and supplies will be needed to restore the new Ascended weapons. These items can be found by completing the campaign in the River District, as well as defending the River District from the continual assault of the Cloaked Ascendancy.

But Dev talk, what’s up with having so many new weapons? Well, our goal with releasing not one, not two or three, but FOUR new weapons sets in one module is simple. We wanted to provide choices based on roles and playing styles, as well as have some fun! We put some time and love into creating the members of the Cloaked Ascendancy, and it seemed only fair to spend time making weapons that would match their styles and roles.

While I’m not going to go into detail on the main members of the Cloaked Ascendancy, I will go into what you should expect from the new weapons. We wanted each set to be focused, or at least, favored by certain roles. Since Healers gonna heal, we have the Fey set with a healing bonus. Tanks are going to tank, so we have the Lifeforged set that has a defense bonus. What about damage? Well, we have sets for that too!

 “But Dev, what about the Relic weapons? Our goal with the new Ascended weapons was not to replace the Relic weapons, but to have slightly weaker weapons that are easier to get. Now, we know that some character builds will benefit better from the Ascended weapons than from the Relic weapons, but in general, the value of the Relics will continue to be worth the time spent in the Sea of Moving Ice. The Relics’ value is something we feel passionate about, and we wish to uphold. However, we do hope that the new Ascended weapons will find a home in you heart, if not your build!

With all this in mind, and with the arrival of the Cloaked Ascendancy impending, we hope that the new Ascended weapons will serve you well!

Chantelle Tatum

Systems Designer


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