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Neverwinter: 15% Wondrous Bazaar Sale!

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | gio 16 giu 2016 09:42:54 PDT

Lord Neverember has decreed there will be a 15% sale for a limited time on all items in the Wondrous Bazaar!

You can visit Wylandar “Wylie” Ilmarin at the Wondrous Bazaar in Protector’s Enclave or shop at the Wondrous Bazaar by clicking the icon at the top of your screen!

What items can you find?

 Consumables Item

Lesser Scroll of Identification

Scroll of Identification

Greater Scroll of Identification

Teleport Scroll - Protectors Enclave

Teleport Scroll - Protector's Garden

3x Pack of Large Party Poppers

Cube of Augmentation

Dragon Empire Treasure

Minor Mark of Potency

Lesser Mark of Potency

Mark of Potency

Greater Mark of Potency

Superior Mark of Potency

Flawless Sapphire



Special Item

Dancing Shield

Dancing Blade


Dragonborn Brawler

Firemane Lockbox

Standard Dungeon Chest Key

Epic Dungeon Chest Key

Medium Waterdeep Horse

Scepter of Power

Greataxe of Anger

Axe of the Guardian

Short Sword of Shadows

Tome of Command

Robes of the Arcane Wanderer

Chainmail of the Divine Avenger

Scale of the Dragonslayer

Armor of the Impenetrable Bastion

Tunic of the Covert Brigand

Tunic of the Daring Outlaw

Tunic of the Nefarious Theurgist

Mask of the Covert Brigand

Helm of the Impenetrable Bastion

Dragonslayer Helm

Helm of the Divine Avenger

Hat of the Arcane Wanderer

Cap of the Daring Outlaw

Mask of the Nefarious Theurgist

Poking Stick

20-Sided Die

Dungeon Master's Guide



Don’t miss out this on this great promotion for Neverwinter! Which items do you want most?

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