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Call to Arms: Pit Fight Preview

Di DwightMC | ven 08 nov 2013 09:59:00 PST

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Have you explored Vellosk in Neverwinter? If not, you must know that this area of Neverwinter Woods is controlled by dangerous werewolves and you must tread carefully while exploring! Along with the challenging dungeon delve, Grey Wolf Den, Vellosk also offers a variety of interesting quests and challenges including the skirmish, Pit Fight. Starting on November 14, 2013, we're introducing a new Call to Arms Skirmish Event with more unique rewards for you to earn by successfully completing the Pit Fight skirmish! Want to learn more about the Call to Arms Skirmish Event? Click here for a brief introduction.

Call to Arms: Pit Fight begins: November 14, 2013 at 10 A.M. PST (Pacific) (When is that for you?)

Call to Arms: Pit Fight ends: November 18, 2013 at 10 A.M. PST (Pacific) (When is that for you?)

Speaking of rewards, there will be new weapon transmutes along with new dyes, Cruel Enchantments, and a new mount! We'll give you a sneak peek at some of the upcoming rewards.

neverwinter,mmo,mmorpg,action,games,gaming,game,forgotten realms,d&d,dnd,dungeons,dragons,dungeons & dragons,call to arms,neverwinter event,pit fight,vellosk

We'll have more information about all of the rewards when the upcoming Call to Arms: Pit Fight is live on November, 14, 2013. Are you ready to answer the call to arms? Let us know on the official Neverwinter forums.

Click here to register for Neverwinter, the Dungeons & Dragons action MMORPG. The best part about Neverwinter: it's free to play! Get a head start in-game by purchasing Neverwinter item packs which include unique companions, mounts, boosts, and exclusive benefits!



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