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The Maze Engine: Guild Alliances is Live!

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | mar 07 giu 2016 08:35:00 PDT


Gather your allies!

Hey folks! We’ve been listening to your feedback and working hard to improve the overall Neverwinter experience. With our new update, we’re doing a number of things to improve the quality of life. This ranges from giving guilds the tools they need to band and grow together, to helping guide players through their overall journey across the Sword Coast.

We’re also continuing to work on class balance (which is going through internal testing right now, but will be out on our preview shard in the near future) and general bug fixes.

For more info, check out these blogs:


But that’s not all! We’re also working hard on a number of upcoming events, including Neverwinter’s third anniversary and our ever-popular summer event. We’ll have more on both of those soon, so be sure to check back regularly!

Thanks for reading and I can’t wait to see you in game!

Scott Shicoff

Lead Designer

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