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Cryptic Studios Announces Collaboration with Gameheads

Par Ambassador Kael | lun. 28 sept. 2020 10:00:00 PDT

Cryptic Studios, the makers of Champions Online, Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, and the upcoming Magic: Legends, is proud to announce their collaboration with the Oakland-based nonprofit organization Gameheads.

Gameheads uses video game design, development, and DevOps to engage, prepare and train low-income youth and youth of color ages 15 to 24 in the Bay Area for careers in the tech and video game industries. Through a powerful medium that youth are familiar with and passionate about, students learn how to code, design, manage projects, work in teams, lead, and create interactive projects that tell important and enriching stories. Along the way, Gameheads students are graduating from high school, getting into college to pursue STEAM-related degrees, and securing paid internships and full- time employment at top tech companies across the Bay.

Cryptic’s collaboration with Gameheads will ensure students have more access to real world game industry experience as well as mentorship from experienced online game development professionals.

"Cryptic Studios has always had a dedication to mentoring the future of the video game industry,” said Cryptic Studios CEO, Stephen D’Angelo. “With this new relationship with Gameheads, I'm excited to see what these students can learn in a live game studio environment. More importantly, I'm excited to see what they can teach us about the future of gaming."

Volunteers from Cryptic Studios will provide discipline-specific discussions, panels, and presentations for Gameheads students. We will be working with the Gameheads team to mentor students in their desired fields, such as Environment Art, Level Design, or Narrative Design. This collaboration marks the beginning of an exciting relationship between Cryptic and Gameheads, which our team hopes to cultivate and grow as we move into the future.

“The experience our students gain from working with leading gaming industry professionals like those from Cryptic Studios is invaluable,” said Damon Packwood, founder and executive director of Gameheads. “We can’t make the changes we want to see in the tech industry, or show our students what’s possible if you follow your passions, without the support of the companies currently leading the charge. Thank you to Cryptic Studios for your partnership and support; we can’t wait to work with your team and to see what our students come up with under your guidance.”

As part of Cryptic’s ongoing commitment to charitable causes, the studio has made a donation to Gameheads as well as the NAACP. Cryptic Studios is excited to meet the future superstars of gaming, and help them get the experience and opportunities they need to thrive and succeed in the tech and video game industries.

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