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Star Trek Online

[Transcript] Laughing Trendy R/Sto Reddit AMA 5/22

By LaughingTrendy | Tue 26 May 2015 02:54:42 PM PDT

The following is a transcript of the questions answered on the r/sto Reddit AMA hosted on 5/22. Player submitted questions are bolded, while LaughingTrendy's answers are not.


What would you most like to see as an improvement to the game.

Personally I really like the idea of social politics. I regularly do tabletop, so I find the concept of expansive political ramifications to be really appealing. I would always love to see more of the cross-faction interactions with each other. Right before the Undine in S9 attacked ESD, the council meeting was an especially cool moment for me.

Who is your Favorite Ferengi?

Quark. He easily had some of the coolest speeches.

We gonna get ships for the Summer Event? Like last year? Risian Cruiser looked cool.

You gonnah’ get a new ship!

What was the first game you worked on?

This is my first time working for a game company officially, but I did volunteer stuff going way back, mostly for mods of games

Who steals your lunch in the office?

            Nobody dares mess with my lunch. I’d break em’.

What's your favorite ship class in-game?

Probably the JHSS. I really loved how it felt whipping around in that thing. However the Mercury is a close second.

Favorite race in-game?

Ferengi Ferengi Ferengi Ferengi.

Why haven't we seen any Elachi so far fighting alongside the Herald?

While the Elachi are a warrior race, I kinda always imagined the Heralds are more of the vanguard of the Iconians. They're the shock troopers.

Which question would you really like to answer and what woud be your answer?

How long have you been doing tabletop games? The answer would, of course, be since middle school with my dorky social outcast group. :P

What faction and ship do you prefer and what's the colour of your weapons?

Fed just because they have Ferengi. Otherwise I kinda prefer the KDF culture more. I used to do Roller Derby, so I kinda imagine myself getting into a lot of awesome fights with Klingons. I prefer my JHSS and it bounces between cannons and beams. I do kinda like my rainbow attacks though. :P

No spoilers for the iconian war plot. But there is alot of like Pew pew so far. Will there be any really strange stuff coming our way in this story? Like a V'ger or the Nexus?

Without spoiling anything, it gets pretty whacky dhacky!

Can you describe your typical workday?

Wake up. Coffee. Coffee. Work. Coffee. Coffee. Vidja Games. Sleep.

Tell us about your experiences with D&D and what you are up to with Fifth Edition it you will. :D

I've played 2 campaigns of 5th ed. So far I've determined that (surprise surprise?) rogues are very OP. I'm working on building up a campaign for my tabletop group after we finish our Rogue Trader game.

Is it true Thomas Marrone cleans himself like a cat? I ask because he has some pretty hairy arms, and I'm worried he might choke on a hairball before we see more of his gorgeous Tier 6 vessels!

I cannot confirm nor deny Thomas' cleaning habits. But he's a well-kept man who often comes to work in uniform!

What's your personal favorite thing that didn't make it into the game? (that you can talk about)

That's kinda weird to answer. I don't know what content WON'T be coming, nor am I fully aware of what content WAS canceled. However, like all things, I am consistently pushing for more Ferengi stuff. Ferengis rule!

Do you blame wil Wheaton or the writers for Wesley?

I think it was the writers. I enjoy seeing him with his youtube series, so I can't imagine that it was his talent that held back poor, poor Wesley.

Any ETA on when the event ship acquisition change will be implemented?

Not sure about the Event ship account change.

Justify why Sisko is better than the best Captain, who is clearly Picard.

Sisko built the Defiant, double-tapped Q and had to manage Ferengis on the station. I respect that.

Similar to question 1: Justify why coffee is better than tea. Picard drank tea, so therefore tea must be better.

Coffee and I have a very special relationship. I've been drinking it since I was like 7.

What is your favorite non-Star Trek science fiction series?


How many d20-based tabletop RPGs do you play?

I've probably played close to 20+ different tabletop series.

How many non-d20-based tabletop RPGs do you play?

A few! Probably 5ish? Mostly heavy story-based.

Do you think that there should be a new Star Trek-based tabletop RPG released? The last one we had was by Decipher and they've killed it off (last book released was 2005).

Gosh, I remember the very first Tabletop RPG for Star Trek. Phasers KILLED. Also Klingons had smooth foreheads. It was weird and needs an update badly.

How long are cryptics plans for sto?

They plan long-term.

What is the most memorable thing STO staff has done?

The most memorable thing would probably be their 5 year anniversary celebration, that was awesome.

What do you know about the Kurland/Shon slashfic?


I'd read it.

Is there an exact reason why Nog is back in STO?

Because he's wicked awesome?

Play domjot hoo-man?

Hoo are you calling a hue-mahn! I'm Ferenghey!

What's your favourite blend of coffee?

Yirgacheffe. I'm currently trying a berry-ginger flavored version with a sweet and crisp dark cherry finish.

On a scale of ┏༼ ◉ ╭╮ ◉༽┓ to ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), how hyped should we be for the summer event ship?

Like all things, I consider it a general matter of opinion with ships such as last year's ship. Some people liked it, some people not so much.

Any plans for introducing another faction (or half-faction like Romulans)? Or is it something that is currently unlikely to be introduced?

None that I've heard, but that like all things that doesn't mean it won't happen or that it will happen.

What is the possibility of a DS9/Cardassian mission arc revamp on the horizon?

I know the team is constantly looking at how they can improve things, including previous missions like before in ~February. While I haven't heard anything regarding that mission arc, they may look over it again.

Which 3 Star Trek actors or actresses who haven't already been in-game would you like to see reprise their roles in STO?




Also, on Fed side, why do we have the ranks of Commodore and Fleet Captain being skipped? Is it because there were few officers in the TNG era that held those official ranks?

Can't confirm, but keep in mind that we have about what... 10 already? If you put a rank for each level, that would really lessen the impact of when you finally get a promotion. :)

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?


How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? But a woodchuck couldn't chuck wood, so no wood would be chucked by the woodchuck you couldn't chuck wood. Nor should or would a woodchuck!

Will Delta Recruitment ever happen again at some point in the future?

I don't know if the Delta Recruitment event will, but it was really awesome so you might see more things in that same vein?

Favorite in-game energy type?


Starbucks or Dunken?

            Starbucks. They cater to all sorts of different people in the spectrum of coffee consumers.

What your favorite tabletop, wargame,Rpg type game ?

RogueTrader. Currently on a campaign of it.

Also show your work about why Sisko is best, Sisko didn't drink coffee Janeway is obviously superior in that sense?!

Janeway is awesome but Sisko really was versatile as a character. Plus he built the Defiant.

Favorite Non-Trek Movie???

That... hmm, that's a difficult one. Depends on the genre. Like for actiony things, I loved Pacific Rim. Probably best movie overall would be... Across the Universe?

Firstly, can you give any hints toward future content? Secondly, Can you tell us when the next Mirror Event will be? Finally, did you, or anyone else in the community here, play DOOM? thx for any replies :)

I can't touch on content releases really, so sorry about not answering the first two questions. But DOOM? Heck, I even played that along with Heretic back when I was assembling computers (I was an odd one growing up in an engineering household).

Most important question: If the Borg and the Jem'hadar went to war, who would win and why?


I feel like they have a bit more tenacity when it comes to the long-term.

What was Trendy like growing up? Awkward teenage years? Games you used to play? Embarrassing stories?

Trendy growing up was weird. I kinda didn't fit in with everyone else, but I found a group among friends that have stuck with me since I was like.. 7. Egh. I accidentally tripped my prom date in high school resulting in a bloody nose. That was.. embarrassing.

Do you have a favorite Foundry mission? Would you make one, perhaps including an abundance of cats?

It's hard to list my favorite one. But a Cat Foundry mission you say? On a Cat planet? Called Catnipia? Where the Ferengi are trying to mine the precious, precious metal known as Catnipium?

.....I wouldn't know where to start.

Have you ever tried any of the various Star Trek Pen and Paper RPGs? Did you like any of em?

Yes and they er... hmm, not my style? Very outdated. I'm going to commit a level of heresy and say that 40k has better tabletops. (irony!)

What do you like most about Star Trek?

The abundance of social examination in an environment with the Federation post being warp-capable. Famine, poverty, gone? Sure, but they have a dark past still that they wrestle with every day. See Quark's speech.

Are you a sci-fi fan in general? And if so, what type of fan? (ie: Do you prefer any type of sci-fi or specifically ones that are more heavily based on real science, physics, etc?)

I love sci-fi! Both cater to me, but Star Trek did inspire me to learn more about warp theory, which I can talk about to great lengths.

If you're a Dr. Who fan, as some other trekies are (I personally am not), then if you were offered the following choices in reality, which would you choose? Choice 1: Travel with the Doctor in the TARDIS for the rest of your life. Choice 2: Voyage in the Enterprise for the rest of your life.

            Choice 1. Eassssssily.

If you had the powers of a Q for a day, what would you do with them?

Troll people for half of my day. Then fix it and make a different with the other half.

Any chance of adding a special synergy/ mechanic to having proton and anti-proton beam weapons on a ship?


Any chance of an iPhone app for Doffing & sector space travel?

Mobile app to web integration is, from what I understand, notoriously complicated. Especially considering multi platform. Will it happen? Unlikely.

How would you react if Tongo was added as a mini-game to STO?

...lose a lot of my free-time?

Tails; yay or nay?


What is your daily routine (if you have one) ?

Usually I start up my day at about 6-7am.

Go for a walk or run depending on how I feel.

Get home, make coffee and breakfast.

Drive to work blaring either AC/DC or Nero's Day at Disneyland cackling maniacally.

More coffee.

Then it becomes a myriad of work, be it social crawls, publishing, reports, analysis, meetings, and overall wearing of many hats.

What are your feelings about Grand Nagus Rom's reforms as regard to Ferengi culture?

Rom changed a lot of Ferengi culture. So long as they don't lose their core value of tenacity over growth, I'm ok. But I still prefer pre-Rom Ferengi.


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