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Star Trek Online

Starfleet Uniform Code Page 2

By LaughingTrendy | Thu 24 Jul 2014 01:07:41 PM PDT


Stardate 87003.8

Fleet Admiral Jorel Quinn
Starfleet Command

All Starship and Station Commanders

This memorandum is to inform you of updates to the Starfleet Uniform Code Subsection 1 effective Stardate 87003.

As the political realities throughout Federation space continue to shift, Starfleet must remain a force for consistency and stability. To that end, the admiralty is enacting a fleet-wide update and standardization of the Starfleet duty uniform. Starfleet has officially and totally adopted the uniform designated “Odyssey”, which has already seen initial deployment by personnel on Earth Spacedock in Sector 001 and in several fleet command starbases across the quadrant.

The Odyssey uniform design provides a solid link to Starfleet’s heritage while establishing a bold direction for its future. Attached to this message are replicator patterns for the Odyssey uniform. We have authorized all starship and station commanders to begin replication and distribution of this uniform among their crews effective immediately. Please also see the attached uniform specifications on appropriate accessories, coloration and wear.

NOTE: Subsection 2, Paragraph 1 of the Starfleet Uniform Code remains in effect; Starship captains continue to have discretion as to their personal uniform and the uniforms of their bridge crew.

In service,
Fleet Admiral Jorel Quinn
Starfleet Command, Earth Spacedock




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