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Neverwinter Combat League: Overview Page

Par Andy (StrumSlinger) | mar. 16 juin 2015 08:47:08 PDT

Update 7:16: Rewards have been granted! We apologize for the delay.

Update 7/09: The preseason has ended! Rewards will be handed out early next week to the top 40 of each class. Keep an eye out for an update!


Neverwinter Combat League: Preseason


6/11/15 – 7/9/15


Hi everyone! The Neverwinter team is excited to unveil a new PVP-focused event for players of all skill levels. We’re calling it the Neverwinter Combat League, and this is our first preseason. First preseason? Yep! I’ll explain. Although there are a lot of people that actively participates in PvP, we believe because of the action-combat nature of the game, Neverwinter PvP can be fun for everyone. To that end, we’ve created a first attempt at an event that provides a new reward structure for PvP, giving everyone a chance to earn cool rewards.


With this event, we’ve got two goals we’re chasing:

  1. Expand the appeal and playerbase of Neverwinter PvP
  2. Create a full, growing, seasonally-structured event based around PvP


Over the course of this preseason, we’ll be watching player behavior and listening to feedback. Based on this information, we’ll tune and tweak to meet the goals stated above. Once we feel that the system does what we’re hoping for, we’ll unveil the first full season. If that means we need 1 preseason before we’re ready, great. If that means 3 or 4 before everyone is happy with it, that’s ok too.

We want to learn from this initial roll-out and are counting on you all to play and send feedback. Can’t wait to see you in game! For a more detailed overview and details on how to get started, click here

Scott Shicoff

Lead Designer

Rewards: Something for everyone!

Click to learn more



Leaderboards: Prizes for the top players!

Click to learn more


FAQ: Find event details here!

Click to learn more

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Notes de version : NW.315.20240520a.2
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