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Call to Arms: Pit Fight Now Live!

Par Akromatik | jeu. 19 mars 2015 10:00:00 PDT

The Uthgardt tribes of Vellosk have once again challenged the heroes of the Sword Coast to survive the trial of the Totem Pit! Adventurers of all levels can accept the challenge during the Call to Arms Skirmish event, winning prizes and honor for themselves and Neverwinter.

Call to Arms: Pit Fight begins: March 19, 2015 at 10 A.M. PDT (Pacific)

Call to Arms: Pit Fight ends: March 23, 2015 at 10 A.M. PDT (Pacific)

The thrill of battle has it rewards, but what about something for those who crave material recognition as well? In addition to the normal drops you get from killing enemies in the skirmish, players can receive Medallions of Battle and the following items:

Shadow Wolf Mount

Summoned by Netherese wizards from the Plane of Shadow, this wolf will strike fear into the hearts of all who oppose its rider. Along with the green-quality mount players can receive from the event, players will be able to purchase a purple-quality Shadow Wolf Mount from the Zen Market. Unlike the mount received from the event, this mount will be unlocked for all of your characters.

Class-based Weapon Transmutation Items

Give your weapons a look fit for combat with Barbarian Weapon Transmute items. These won’t change the stats of your weapon, but will instead give them a brand new look!

Cruel Enchantment

Players will receive Rank 1 or 2 enchantments from slaying enemies and can receive up to a Rank 5 Cruel Enchantment at the end of every Call to Arms skirmish!

Gray Wolf Tribe Dye Packs

This set of brown, silver and blue dyes conjures the image of a wolf running through a forest at night. Often worn by the Gray Wolf Tribe, these colors are sure to unleash your inner beast.

Sword Coast Adventures

Included with this event is a special Sword Coast Adventures dungeon where players will be able to fight Runs-Red-Howling himself and earn Medallions of Battle from the encounter.

Medallions of Battle

Medallions will drop from the chest at the end of the skirmish, from monsters in the Call to Arms map, and from challenges in Sword Coast Adventures during the event. They can be used to purchase the event's Weapon Transmutation items and other prizes worthy of a warrior.

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Notes de version : NW.315.20240520a.2
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