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New Wondrous Bazaar Item: the 20-Sided Die!

Par Akromatik | lun. 15 déc. 2014 13:59:51 PST

The Neverwinter community never ceases to amaze us. Like a mighty gold dragon, you all have taken the challenges we’ve posed and heroically bested them! At long last, we have come to the penultimate Season of Dragons reward: the 20-Sided Die! This impressive icosahedron has been hand-carved by the finest artisans Protector’s Enclave has to offer and can be found under the “Special Items” tab in the Wondrous Bazaar.

The 20-Sided Die can be equipped to a potion slot and, when activated, will let your character roll a brilliantly orange D20! Once the die has stopped rolling, the number you rolled will be displayed prominently above your head for all to see!

Looking to roll initiative or make a saving throw? Check out the 20-Sided Die in the Wondrous Bazaar!

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