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Patch Notes: Version: NW.80.20170515e.3

Par Julia (nitocris83) | mer. 24 mai 2017 17:01:00 PDT

Feature Changes

Overflow Bag Changes

With the latest release, we have made some changes to the Overflow Bag. The overflow bag was intended to be a temporary storage location for essential items such as quest objectives or rewards. The excessive usage of overflow bags for consistent storage causes big performance problems for players when they change maps, login or join a party, as all that data has to get parsed by the receiving server then sent around to other players.

The changes should help alleviate some of the impact on the server and allow players to do their questing, gain items, and have fun while also providing a reminder to clean up inventory when reaching a pausing point (such as returning to Protectors Enclave). Our goal is for most players not to be affected by these changes other than experiencing reduced lag.


Queue Changes

When queuing using the Private Queue system, the Item Level requirement is now lower.  This should allow coordinated groups to do gear-light challenge runs of certain content, and allow for "carry groups" while still maintaining some progression.  Check out the details here: Official Feedback Thread: Queuing System Updates


Release Notes


Content and Environment


  • Fangbreaker Island: Hati can no longer be instakilled via certain unexpected methods.
  • Most campfires that hadn't been allowing Loadout switching now properly do.
  • Players who complete the quest, Secrets of the Cocoon, now receive a key item that gives 30% Everfrost Resist.  Players who already completed it will receive this item in in-game mail.
  • The Dragon Turtle no longer spins in the opposite direction of its steam breath.


Castle Never

  • Due to adjustments that have been made to various classes since the release of Castle Never, the Orcus boss fight has become more difficult than intended in terms of surviving his attacks. Groups must rely on quickly defeating Orcus before he has time to execute any of his abilities, which was not the original intent for the boss. As such, we have made the following adjustments that should make the encounter a more balanced experience:
    • The amount of damage dealt by a majority of Orcus's abilities has been significantly reduced.
    • Orcus's various melee attacks now have noticeably different damage values from one another.
    • Orcus's maximum hit points have been increased.



Combat and Powers


  • Heart of the Black Dragon: This artifact's damage taken debuff no longer scales with certain stats.  The tooltip has been updated to include information on the debuff.
  • The Blade Storm class feature bonus granted by Artifact Weapons now properly increases Blade Storm's damage as described in the tooltip.



  • The Maze Engine: Displace Fate is now categorized as a Boon, rather than having "Uncategorized" in the upper-right of the tooltip.


Classes and Balance

  • Guardian Fighter: Iron Guard: This feat's effects now properly provide 5% reduced damage per stack, rather than 5% reduced damage regardless of stacks.
  • Hunter Ranger: Split the Sky now consistently does both the described damage reflection and periodic damage strikes, rather than randomly choosing one of those.
  • Scourge Warlock: Warlock's Bargain no longer triggers weapon enhancement effects on damage redirected to the linked target.



  • All companions that didn't have an Active Companion Bonus at Uncommon quality, such as the Winter Wolf companion, now properly do.
  • Young Yeti: This companion's Active Bonus now properly increases damage as stated in the tooltip.  The tooltip has been updated with more details.



  • The Archer Tower debuff no longer has a placeholder icon.



Items and Economy


  • Certain off-hand slot Artifact Weapons now properly give the same-slot refinement bonus to other off-hand Artifact Weapons, rather than main-hand Artifact Weapons.



  • Rare and Epic Insignias can once again properly be donated to the Coffer.



  • Certain items dropped by a hidden boss in Spellplague Caverns now properly have icons.
  • Ostorian Relics can no longer be turned in if the player is at the Voninblod cap.  The tooltip for Voninblod now also displays that cap.
  • Rewards in Illusionist's Gambit have been adjusted at Silver and Gold ranks to provide more Refinement Points on average.
  • Stormraider Clydesdale: The purchased version of this mount may now be discarded if it's stuck in the inventory.
  • The second Skirmish of the day once again properly gives its bonus Astral Diamonds.
  • The Tarmalune Trade Bar Vendor now properly sells the Sigil of the Nine (at Uncommon quality) and the Starfade Stag mount (at Epic quality).



User Interface

Auction House

  • The Auction House now has a Stronghold category for things such as Guild Hall furniture.



  • The "Deposit Item in Bank" context menu option is no longer disabled when it shouldn't be.
  • When attempting to deposit a Stone of Health or other item with charges into the bank, a stack count slider no longer appears.



  • Characters under level 30 no longer see the "Used in another loadout" icon in their inventory, as they have not yet unlocked loadouts.



  • The loot window no longer gets stuck in a state where it can't be looted or easily closed if the player enters cursor mode while looting.



  • Certain instanced maps no longer sometimes close themselves before a queue group can get in.
  • Players who queue solo are no longer placed into existing parties after the queued instance ends.
  • The "Accept Queue" pop-up is now clearer about the reason it disappeared if it disappeared early.
  • The party leader now retains leadership when entering a queued instance when using a private queue.


Sword Coast Chronicle

  • The "Display Options" button is no longer sometimes hidden when opening the SCC UI.
  • The top section of the Storm King's Thunder campaign no longer sticks around when double-clicking on another campaign.
  • "Unlocked" has changed to "Advancement," in attempt to clarify which campaign tasks contribute to this percentage.



Graphics and Visuals


  • Certain swing effects that refract visuals no longer display textures from several swings ago.
  • Objects now properly fade in instead of popping in when they are close enough to draw.


Performance and Stability


  • There have been more crash fixes, but the Device Removed crash still eludes us for the time being.




  • In locales where the "Manage Loadouts" text is particularly long, the button now has a maximum width.
  • Various localization fixes and updates have been made to French, German, Italian, and Russian locales.

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