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Star Trek Online

Season 9 Dev Blog #10

By LaughingTrendy | Mon 07 Apr 2014 12:00:00 PM PDT

Undine Infiltration

Incoming Message from Admiral Tuvok:


Intelligence assets on Bajor report signs of Undine infiltration. The Undine have taken the forms and identities of local residents. We do not know the purpose of this infiltration, but local authorities have narrowed down a list of possible suspects, at least some of whom are Undine in disguise.
I am sending you to conduct an investigation.

Attempt to remain discreet, but your ultimate objective is to expose the infiltrators and eliminate the Undine presence on Bajor.


"Undine Infiltration" is a mixed faction queued mission for level 50 characters. The event can be completed in 15 to 20 minutes, and has both a Normal and an Elite version.

During the mission, Captains will investigate Bajorans suspected of being Undine infiltrators in disguise. They will do this by asking a series of questions and based on the answers, deciding whether or not the suspect is an Undine and needs to be quarantined. If the investigator believes a suspect's story, he or she can also clear them from the investigation.

However, the Undine won't simply wait to be discovered. They'll be trying to disrupt the interrogations. So watch out for disturbances.

Later, the investigators' mission will take them into the caves below the city, where the Undine have established a base. Keep calm, and you'll be able to eliminate the Undine presence on Bajor.

Once the mission is complete, players will be scored based on how many Undine were correctly quarantined, and how many Bajorans were cleared of suspicion. Points will be lost if innocents are jailed or Undine infiltrators are allowed to escape. Players will earn an amount of either Undine or Fleet marks based on their final score.


  • The Bajorans are a little touchy about people taking away their freedom. Be careful of how many people you send to quarantine or you may have a lot of angry citizens on your hands.
  • Split up for the investigations, but be ready to team up again for the random events that take place during the investigation phase.


Chris “mrodds” Dods
Content Designer
Star Trek Online


Season 9 Dev News Blog Index

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