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Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online: Release Notes: May 12th 2016

Von Amanda | Mi 11 Mai 2016 16:06:30 PDT

Due to technical issues, the patch was chosen not to be applied. We'll be moving these fixes over into the next patch.


  • Resolved an issue which allowed Greedy Emitter’s lockout to be avoided entirely.
  • Resolved an issue where attempting to select a different uniform would fail on the first attempt on a map.
  • Resolved an issue where the Polaric Modulator Console's engine power boost didn’t apply until after moving to another map.
  • Resolved an issue where the Reinforced EV suits were being handed out without a progression level.
  • Aceton Assimilators can no longer be summoned in social zones.
  • Switch Starship UI now sorts by ship name.
  • Resolved an issue where the circles in the Transwarp menu did not automatically update when clicked on.

Known Issues:

  • The Assignments to recruit Romulan Bridge officers do not appear
  • Selecting “Ready Starship” in the ship selector is not moving slotted items over to the ship for some players.

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